Counselling and Psychotherapy 

Who is it for?

I provide psychotherapy and counselling, as well as clinical supervision in person or online, and a blended option is available. I offer Young People, adults, individuals, couples, and groups therapy. We live in a world where, increasingly, the cultural impetus is for the repression and dismissal of complicated feelings, which often leads to emotional isolation, loneliness, and, even worse, increasing mental health problems. Therapy can provide a safer space for exploring issues which are challenging to share with friends and family members. Some examples of issues often explored in therapy are loss and feeling lost, feeling trapped in unhealthy patterns of behaviour, usually informed from the past, getting involved in dysfunctional relationships, not looking after oneself, shame, and social anxiety. Therapy was conducted by a fully qualified, accredited, and experienced psychotherapist.

The kind of psychotherapy offered.

The therapeutic approach involves active, attentive listening and meaningful dialogue within a professional relationship. Awareness that emotional suffering, such as depression, often stems from feeling disconnected from one's authentic self and ways of being. Therapy can alleviate this discomfort and alienation by accepting and understanding clients' experiences in their sociocultural context. This approach aims to empower individuals by making sense of their histories and how these narratives have shaped present difficulties. Rather than imposing a universal theory, there is an intense interest in understanding the diversity of human experience and differences across identities, cultures, and life stages. Particular attention is given to existential struggles arising from significant life events, such as grief, dislocation, parenthood, mid-life transitions, and other pivotal junctures. How 'social suffering' highlights how social conditions, cultural norms, and experiences of oppression or collective trauma profoundly shape distress.  Through an attuned exploration of the interplay between subjective distress, social situations, and cultural contexts, this therapeutic approach seeks to witness the embodied experience of suffering. Personal pain is invariably inscribed by broader social worlds, necessitating consideration of how structural inequities and cultural forces moderate the expression and lived reality of human affliction.

How does it work?

Psychotherapy provides space for exploring the complexities of intergenerational patterns, hybrid identities, and cultural tensions. By listening deeply to clients' experiences across these domains, therapists facilitate greater self-understanding in sociocultural contexts. Therapeutic relationships offer a safer platform for reflecting on difficulties stemming from familial legacies passed through generations, the navigation of multiple cultural belongings, and the push-and-pull of contrasting values. This exploratory process allows individuals to find authentic voices, gain insights into their life narratives shaped by intersecting cultures, and activate their inner capacities for healing. Psychotherapy focuses on the interplay between intrapsychic experiences and broader social, political, and cultural contexts, shaping personal and collective histories.   The therapeutic relationship cultivates a non-judgmental space where clients can openly express their perspectives, beliefs, and identity struggles. Therapy illuminates how outer realities influence inner experiences of the self, relationships, and worldviews by considering the individual's embeddedness within layered sociocultural environments and political currents. This holistic approach empowers people to listen to their integrated selves, honour emergent needs, and build self-compassion amidst the richness and challenges of a hybrid, multicultural existence.


Initial Consultation

The initial consultation session lasted 30 minutes for individuals, and there was no charge, as it was an opportunity to consider the possibilities of working together. A single session is typically sufficient to assess whether the approach and work suit a particular moment. Occasionally, a second session may be required.  An initial consultation is also an opportunity for the client to explore whether the therapy offered suits them and whether we can work well together. It is a good idea to come prepared with essential questions and think about the history of one's difficulties and what one hopes to achieve through therapy to make the most of the sessions. Usually, the first few sessions are exploratory and require a mid-to-long-term therapeutic process.

Length and Frequency

Sessions last 50-60 minutes for individuals and 1.5 hours for couples. Ongoing therapy sessions take place one and two times a week. Short-term therapy is also offered when suitable for the client's needs. Clinical supervision occurs once every three weeks or monthly, depending on the level and experience of the supervisee and the size of their practice.

 Payment Rates

According to the client's income, there is a sliding scale from £50 (trainee) to £65:00 per session for individuals and £97.50 per session for couples. The group  (therapy/supervision) sessions were tailored according to group size, duration, and number.

Please Note:

For immediate assistance, reach out to your primary care doctor or the NHS 24 helpline at 111. Alternatively, you can contact the Samaritans at 116 123, Breathing Space at 0800 838 587, or Childline at 0800 1111.

 “When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” 
                                    Alexander Den Heijer

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